Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Baby Names and Secret Sex....(of the baby)

We've decided to keep the gender of the baby a secret....not from ourselves, but from everyone else!  (At our last checkup, the doctor wasn't even 100% sure about the sex, so we technically don't know yet either)  Hopefully we'll be able to nail it down at the next checkup at 24 weeks.  I've just started telling a little white lie to acquaintances that we're not finding out the gender, because it feels so weird to say, "Yes, I know the gender, but I'm not going to tell you!"   Initially, I wanted it to be a surprise for us too, but it's so hard to pick out a name, that we wanted to know the gender to cut out half of the name disagreements. We've started narrowing the choices's a sampling.

Coralyn/Coraline (I'm for line, Jon's for lyn)






Picking names is hard!  

I had no idea picking a name would be this hard, I always wondered why there were so many baby name books and website.  It's not just about making a list of names that sound pretty.  We've got to contend with the fact that 

1-Jon has an ex with the same name I like....goodbye name!   (I don't want to think about him ever having dated anyone before me....much less naming our baby after an ex!)

2-I had a childhood enemy with the same name that Jon likes...another name down.  

3-Jon likes the name Rose, but I hate girl names that endow the named with gender specific traits, like Lily (delicate and beautiful) or Charity (charity). 

4- We're both atheists, so we don't want to name our child something from religion or the Bible, so names like  Christian, Mathew, Michael, Mary, Ruth, Jesus, and so forth are off the list.   

5-We don't want too common of names, which pulls Sophia from the list, although I love the sound of it and the meaning (wisdom).  

6- This baby will spend some formative years living in Japan.  Japanese people have a hard time saying the "L" and "R" sounds.  Well, many of the names we like have those sounds, and some of them have both!  (Clark and Coraline/Coralyn)  We decided that in the end, we had to just ignore that aspect of choosing names, because we just couldn't bear knocking any more possible names off the list!   Although, if we pick Coraline/Coralyn, it'd be pretty funny because I would call her Cora for short, and that's how Japanese people say Cola.  It's even spelled the same in the Japanese alphabet. 

So the plan now, is to keep our minds open, and keep thinking of possible names.  We;ll go to the hospital with a short list of possible names and once we have the baby we'll have 5 to 7 days in the hospital to try them out and see which one fits before we have to sign the birth certificate and head home. 


Tricia and Michael said...

yes, picking a name is SO much harder than I thought it would be as well (more so even with Kelsey). You and I like a lot of the same names too. :) You are lucky you get a week to decide, though once you see that sweet baby I doubt you'll need it.

Sara Hendricks said...

It would be nice if the babies alternated genders. That way the first baby can use up the boy name and the second baby can use up the girl name or vice versa.