Friday, February 15, 2008

Heath Ledger Died Today.

(I saw this on "Fathom_Works" journal posted on (yes, believe it.) It affected me, and he said I could post it here.)


Michael Paul Bailey said...

Did you post the wrong picture, or am I just missing something?

Anonymous said...

Oh is supposed to express in all its simplicity that we in the USA are making a huge fuss over one person dying, while over in Africa millions are dying from preventable causes due to no fault of their own and few people seem to care. Its not supposed to be a judgment of people, because I know I am the same way, just a thought on life and what is important to different people, and why, and it is supposed to make you think. Anyhow. So. There you go.

P.S. this is Sara

Jeff B said...

Wow...Heath Ledger died? That's AWFUL!

Michael Paul Bailey said...

Ahh... I must admit that I am embarrassed to have not figured it out. I guess my subtlety-detection unit was broken at the time. Now that it has been explained, that is a really good post.

Jeff B said...

So I've been thinking about this. I just a read a book called "Things Fall Apart" which is about Nigeria. It was really interesting. Also, I read that we're sending aid to Tanzania yesterday, but what about Darfur in the Sudan? It seems pretty messed up there, and everyone has been talking about it.