Thursday, February 25, 2010

Word Cloud Novel

After making a word cloud on my blog, I wanted to make one with my novel. I just entered the first chapter, but here it is!

Word Cloud

So, there is this website called Wordle that you can go to. It creates a word cloud of all the words you use most often in any sort of text. I entered my blog address and this is the word cloud it created. (

Friday, February 19, 2010

affianced, betrothed committed, engaged

Jon and I have been dating for about one year, one month and two weeks.

We're getting married August 28th, 2010.

I'm not going to go all lovey-dovey here, I'll save that for Jon and the wedding.

I'll just say that our daily ten-hour workday separation is way too much time apart. Also, we're the only people who can talk about every one of the following topics to no end:

-other countries
-what we heard on NPR (Sorry NPR, I'm not planning to become a sustaining member)
-how perfect/handsome/pretty/smart/funny/etc. the other one is
-the terribleness of winter
-the wonderfulness of Timber

See you in August.