Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Japanese Library card!

Jon and I went to the library today and I got a library card. It was great, just like being back in a library in the states. I have always loved visiting libraries, I love the how quiet, peaceful and interesting they are. You could probably say they are my church, and I haven't been inside one in six months!

I especially loved this trip because Jon and I spent our whole time in the children's section and there was a smiley baby crawling around on the floor as I flipped through picture books. These are the two books I checked out.

The orange one is called, "Oscar and Hoo," and I understood probably a third of the vocabulary, I didn't start the purple one yet, but I liked the pictures. I'm going to read "Oscar and Hoo" first, and I noticed that many of the words I didn't know occurred again and again, so hopefully once I spend the first few pages looking up unfamiliar vocabulary, I can spend the final 20 pages just reading.

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