Before we got pregnant, Jon and I had been planning a second anniversary trip this summer. I wanted to hike Mt. Fuji, and Jon wanted to hike around Yakushima-island of 6,000 year old trees. (We both would have gone to either one though, they both sound awesome.) At the beginning of my pregnancy, I thought we could still do it. I'm an active person and I've tried to stay that way throughout the pregnancy. About a month ago, I conceded defeat and we planned a much more relaxing and reasonable anniversary trip to Osaka.
Here are some vacation photos. We took the Hankyu ferry there and back, so here's a photo of me and baby as the sun sets.
This is a shirt Jon made for me, that will become even more appropriate as Halloween approaches. It's very accurate, as T-Rex loves digging both feet into my ribs exactly as the shirt demonstrates.

I wasn't about to stay inside the hostel and miss out on any of our fun plans, like the zoo or Osaka castle though! So, we just walked slowly and went inside air conditioned gift shops more often than we normally would.
Finally, here we are on our way home from our trip, back on the ferry. We bought each other Japanese style outfits as presents, and I think we look pretty sharp.
Fun! being pregnant always puts a kink in your plans and what you think you're body can do. I will atest the farther along you are, the harder. I remember thinking with my 1st baby, "I will never have energy again-- this is it for life." But your old self returns for sure-- (special note: not the day after you leave the hospital, which was also one of my thoughts.)
Also, Um, you wrote, "She" so I'm going to assume you're having a girl. We're happy for you either way!
Hmmmm......I don't see where I wrote she, but it was probably a typo. :)
No assumptions till the baby comes out!
You are so pretty, especially pregnant. I love seeing all the baby bump pictures. Way way fun for you guys to have such a great trip . You are so close to the end!!! I can't wait to see pictures of the little person you guys created :)
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