So, the first photos are the good looking dog before her shave. She is so unsuspecting.

Well, about halfway through the shave, the electric razor started to overheat, so I let Timber have a break. As you can probably tell, she knows that she is in for more shaving and isn't very happy about it.

The final product wasn't amazing. It's not easy to shave a shivering dog who is trying to crawl away and lick your face at the same time. I'll post a photo in a few days when the cut has started to grow out a little bit, and isn't so mangy looking.
Well, it hasn't grown out yet, but here she is...both on dry ground and swimming, one of her favorite hobbies, only slightly behind licking herself when company is over in terms of habitual actions.

I regret shaving Timber! She was such a pretty dog! Now she looks so ridiculous, and I thought it wouldn't matter to me how she looked, but it does! I have never cared this much about the many crappy haircuts I've gotten over the years....
I never took you as a "big shedding dog" person. That's so rugged of you.
I'm a rugged girl. I worked at a horse ranch all last summer. I own a border collie/wolf mix. I wear a belt buckle. I can "bring in the cows," if need be. I go rock climbing. I paint my toenails.
Scientists should use you to calibrate their instruments, because you're so well rounded. HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa.........well rounded. That's rich.
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